Outdoor Patio Furniture: Which Frame Material is Right For Me?

There are many types of materials that outdoor patio furniture is made out of and with that, there are many different choices to choose from. How on earth do you decide which is best for you and your family? Some things to take into consideration when choosing the right outdoor furniture are, weather and climate, storage, and how you plan on using your furniture.

Wrought Iron

Wrought Iron

Wrought iron furniture has a reputation for being extremely sturdy and durable. Most wrought iron patio furniture brings a classic look to your patio and comes in modern colors and finishes. Wrought iron is a heavy metal and will stand its ground; this makes it perfect for climates that are known for their windy conditions. The downside to wrought iron is it has a tendency to rust so it is recommended to be stored away during the winter months. If you think wrought iron is the choice for you, take into consideration how you will store it and whether you want to deal with heavier furniture.



Aluminum furniture is very popular these days for several reasons. The first being it is a light weight metal and can easily be rearranged, stacked and stored during winter months. Another great thing about aluminum is it doesn’t rust or corrode making it easy to maintain and perfect for climates that receive a lot of rain. Things to take into consideration are its lightweight reputation and whether or not that will be an issue for your weather patterns. No one wants their furniture to dance in the wind!


Teak furniture

Wooden furniture is a tricky one! No one wants patio furniture that is prone to splinters and cracks. To avoid this, look for wooden furniture that is a heavier, denser wood. These types of wood include teak and eucalyptus because they naturally resist all kinds of weather which reduces the chances of rotting and bug infestation. Another thing to look out for is how the wood furniture is held together. Glued wood will not hold up after a few seasons of use. If you find a patio set that you just love and it is not a heavy wood, make sure you treat it with sealant at least once a year.